The Captain America: The First Avenger Toyline is based on the movie of the same. It is in the 3 3/4" scale and ties into Iron Man 2, Thor and Marvel Universe. The series is divided into Comic, Concept and Movie banners, but leans more to Comic figures, like the X-Men Origins: Wolverine line, in contrast to the the Thor: The Mighty Avenger toyline.
Many of the Captain America figures come with "action feature shields", foregoing comic-accuracy to include extra parts or allow for splitting the shield in half. The series is also notable for including some of the first realistic vehicles in the 3 3/4" line, not counting gimmicks like the Red Vortex or the Spider Four Wheelers.
- 01- Ultimate Captain America (Comic)
- 02- Heavy Artillery Captain America (Comic)
- 03- Battlefield Captain America (Comic)
- 04- Winter Soldier (Comic)
- 05- Heroic Age Captain America (Comic)
- 06- Captain Britain (Comic)
- 07- Super Combat Captain America (Movie)
- 08- Red Skull (Movie)
- 09- US Agnet (Comic)
- 10- Crossbones (Comic)
- 11- Winter Combat Captain America (Concept)
- 00- Jungle Trooper Captain America (Concept)
- 00- Night Mission Captain America (Concept)
- 00- Marvel's Hydra Armored Soldier
Deluxe Figures[]
- Captain America- Air Assault Glider
- Captain America- Paratrooper Dive
- Hydra Soldier- Dark Threat
- SHIELD Assault 4X4 w/ Captain America (Comics)
- SHIELD 4X4 Variant (Movie)
- Offroad Avenger
- Justice Jet
- Strikefire Transport
Captain America Cruisers[]
- Captain America Power Charge Cycle
- Captain America Trail Trooper
Related Lines[]
- Marvel Universe (Hasbro)- The Hub line
- Iron Man 2- Toyline based on the film which ties into this one.
- Thor (Toyline)- Toyline based on the film which ties into this one.